Pentâmetro iâmbico
Útil pra quem anda lendo Shakespeare: O pentâmetro jâmbico (ou iâmbico) é um tipo de metro da poesia originário do grego e muito difundido no inglês e no alemão. Ele consiste de cinco jambos - uma sílaba fraca e curta seguida por outra forte e mais longa - consecutivos. Um exemplo disso em Shakespeare pode ser observado no ritmo deste verso: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Shall / I / com / pare / thee / to / a / sum /mer's / day? Shall (fraco) / I (forte) / com (fraco) / pare (forte) / thee (fraco) / to (forte) / a (fraco) / sum (forte) / mer's (fraco) / day? (forte) A batida dos versos quando lidos em voz alta parece a de um tambor ou de uma marcha: da / DUM / da / DUM / da / DUM / da / DUM / da / DUM (fraco / Forte / fraco / Forte / fraco / Forte / fraco / Forte / fraco / Forte) Fonte:
A: So, are you coming to the halloween party?
B: Are you kidding? It's the highlight of my yearly social calendar!
A: So i take it you already have a costume?
B: Yes, i'm going to be a gypsy.
A: Fascinating. What kind of a gypsy?
B: What do you mean, what kind? A gypsy costume is a gypsy costume. You've seen them; they're kind of like pirates, but with more gold and ruffles, and they live in wagons instead of ships.
A: Thank you for educating me!
B: Any time. So, what are you going as?
A: Well, i was going to go as Catwoman, but i find your idea of impersonating another ethnicity highly inspiring. I think i'll go as a Gadje.
B: A what?
A: A person who is not Romani, a non-gypsy. Generally understood to be a member of the majority white population.
B: That's weird. That doesn't sound like fun. You can't really dress up…and you sound kind of angry.
A: So in your culture, dressing up as another identity means you're angry at them?
B: That's not what i said. Why are you hispanics always so defensive?
A: I'm not hispanic!
B: Sorry, "latino".
A: I'm not latino, either. But i'm going to have a lot of fun with my costume. I find white Americans very exotic, in a lightly seductive way. They're kind of like the English, but instead of tea and crumpets they all drink coca-cola and eat grilled cheese sandwiches. It's really no wonder you all have such poor nutrition.
B: What the hell are you talking about?
A: I'm joking about your culture. I have read many books and made some astute observations. I have to go make my costume now. It will be sooo authentic.