Learning editing...

I started reading a book about editing oneself. Now that my chapter is written and in Jon's hands (he is my appointed editor) I can take a little distance from the text. That also means I write blog posts, hurray!!!!

I've been extremely procrastinative* over here... I've been studying the act of writing so much that for a while it paralized me... I've been secretly afraid to put myself to the scrutiny of others, lest they do to me what I've been doing to the authors I'm studying :-D

But then I realized that, what the heck? What's the point of not writing? No point, right? So better do something, and badly, than not do it. As Elizabeth Grozs said in this video, "I become according to what I do, not to what I am." So hurray for writing my blog.... badly writing it, passionately writing it, nonchalantly writing it... jokingly writing it... better to write than not to.

So I made an editorial decision about this blog, and my attitude towards it. I will no longer expect myself to post thoroughly edited texts... They will just come as they come... I might edit when I can... or when I feel like it... but I'll prioritize the words on the page rather than some sort of idealistic notion of a finished piece... basically, now this here is my brouillon-safe-space!

*(perhaps) a neologism


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