Ch-ch-ch-changes, lá vem meu trem!

It would be easy to say that I took so long to post because I was too busy doing other more important things. This has happened in the past. But truth be told, since my last time here, my life had some significant changes and I just was not in the mood to stop and write about it. Because that would mean thinking about it... And that is sort of scary!

First things first, I got married in January. Not only that, but with Jon's help and that of our family, we organized the whole thing by ourselves too: even a very small wedding equals a lot of work when you are cooking and decorating and planning... It was fun, but I am glad it is once in a lifetime. Second, I moved countries once again. Now Jon and I are living in Berlin, which is a lovely city, with tons of fun, interesting things and people, but which nonetheless requires adapting and finding new friends. And we don't know the language yet.

Living in Berlin has been one of my fetishes for a while now. I longed to be in a city with such an intriguing and lively theatre scene, and so many trees! I also always wanted to learn German, so it all worked nicely. But after finding an apartment, and furniture, and settling here, I realized that I am tired. I am exhausted from jumping around so much, I long to have a home, to stay in the same place for more than 4 seasons... This will have to wait a while, I know, because my studies will still take me around until I am done my PhD. But I am relieved to know that I will stick around here for a little longer than the last few places. Who knows, maybe after learning German a bit better, we can make friends here and the adaptation will get easier. I am very grateful for our local friends who speak our languages, they have been of great help with the process of settling in.


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