Art+Culture Interview

I had the privilege to be interviewed by Natalia Lebedinskaia , for the website Art+Culture. She was one of the wonderful volunteers that helped me put together the Blabla Festival this year.

Here is an excerpt of the interview (for the complete version, click the title):

The BlaBla Festival received great feedback from both the performers and the audience. They all felt that they were a part of a really close-knit community event, and they loved the variety of the shows. Many music performers enjoyed a full audience, while some others were much more intimate, such as Marc-André Casavant's Disco Salope. Interestingly, it became very powerful as a result of the small audience: his goal was to shock, and with only a few people, there was no way to hide behind the anonymity of the crowd. He also changed the plan for the piece in the last minute: instead of changing behind the scenes, he stripped down to his underwear while dancing to Rammstein, parading his new persona as a girl shows off her new outfit while getting ready to go out dancing with her friends. The scale and the mood of the festival really allowed him to do what he wanted, which is an amazing privilege, compared to larger-scale events where everything has to be planned in advance.

Would she do anything differently?

Natália does not take on the “I would not change a thing” stand. Instead she is honest: she wishes it was more structured, wishes there were more money available for a bigger event. “With more means, you could make something really neat.”

What about next year?

Natália admits that she was looking forward to getting the festival finished this year. However, after hearing the flow of positive feedback, she is inspired. There are no specific plans yet, but some artists have come forward to volunteer their services and assistance. There is already a group of people willing to get involved and she is considering it, if she is still in Montreal.


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