Útil pra quem anda lendo Shakespeare: O pentâmetro jâmbico (ou iâmbico) é um tipo de metro da poesia originário do grego e muito difundido no inglês e no alemão. Ele consiste de cinco jambos - uma sílaba fraca e curta seguida por outra forte e mais longa - consecutivos. Um exemplo disso em Shakespeare pode ser observado no ritmo deste verso: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Shall / I / com / pare / thee / to / a / sum /mer's / day? Shall (fraco) / I (forte) / com (fraco) / pare (forte) / thee (fraco) / to (forte) / a (fraco) / sum (forte) / mer's (fraco) / day? (forte) A batida dos versos quando lidos em voz alta parece a de um tambor ou de uma marcha: da / DUM / da / DUM / da / DUM / da / DUM / da / DUM (fraco / Forte / fraco / Forte / fraco / Forte / fraco / Forte / fraco / Forte) Fonte: http://www.jorwiki.usp.br/gdmat05/index.php/Pent%C3%A2metros_j%C3%A2mbicos
Yesterday it was very sunny so I decided to go for a bike ride in the morning to enjoy the day. I went to the Atomium , one of the big tourist attractions in Brussels, which consists of a huge metallic-looking structure representing an atom. I didn't go in because I wanted to spend the day outside and save the 8 euros of admission fee, but it was nonetheless a pleasant trip. The Atomium is very shiny on a sunny day (and at night too, thanks to the lights they turn on at sundown). Later in the day I joined Courtney (an American girl from Florida/California I met through Couch Surfing) at the Flea Market at Place Jeu de Balle. It was interesting to see how much random stuff can be together in the same public square. The prices are not cheap, specially if you are chatting in English and look like a tourist, but the view is quite peculiar. From old cameras, to China, to 70's furniture, you could find mostly anything there. One very annoying thing: many of the salesmen ...
I was thinking about what to write today and then I remembered an essay I wrote for music history class last semester. I thought of publishing it here because it was quite an interesting subject, but since it was music, I thought of searching youtube to see what I got as example. Then I came across this marvelous video of some TV show called Robin and Marian , which I did not know until that very moment. Check it out below (and read the essay, if you feel like it). I am seriously thinking of making a cover of this song with my acoustic guitar - it's a piece of poetry! “ Le Jeu de Robin et Marion ” is perhaps the earliest secular musical drama known to history. Written in the latter part of the 13 th century (around 1283 or 1284), the work was composed for the entertainment of the court of Robert II, count of Artois. It consists of a dramatized pastorelle (a lyric depicting an amorous encounter between a shepherdess and a roving knight) 1 and a dramatized bergerie (a lyric...