Praga Pride

Jon and I went to have brunch this morning to recover from all the dancing last night at Queer Noises, a show that was part of Chapeau Rouge Pride Week celebrations. As we were coming back home, we coincidentally run into the Pride Parade and joined the fun for a little while. At a certain point, I climbed a little wall to see the crowd better and a gentleman beside me asked if I spoke German. All happy for the opportunity to put my (limited) skills in German to test, I answered with a sneaky smile: ein bischen... The man was confused about the event and I tried my best to explain: "Es ist eine Parade für die Rechte Homosexuell Menschen... gegen Homophobie..." "Gegen Homosexuell Menschen?" "No, no...nein! Für denen Rechte! Gegen Homophobie..." After my attempt at explaining, he didn't seem any less confused. I wonder if the problem was mein schlechtes Deutsch or if the concept of a parade in support of sexual diversity was just too much fo...