
Mostrando postagens de março, 2020

Bad Air or Germ Invasion?

 This post first appeared on the blog for the Centre for Privacy Studies: Good health is the most basic condition for a person to live a thriving life and—as we have been witnessing for the last few weeks with the COVID-19 pandemic—countries desperately need their people to be healthy, too. Otherwise, society goes bonkers. Hence, the importance of public health measures to control and prevent the spread of disease. Le bonheur, et souverain bien de la vie consiste plus en la bonne santé qu'en tous les biens du Monde, puis qu'elle l'entretien et prolonge, et que sans icelle elle est déplaisante. (Andre le Gros, 1625) [Happiness, chief wellbeing of life, consists more in having good health than in having all goods of the world, since health maintains and prolongs life, and without health, life is unpleasant.] Last week, Anni discussed public health measures imposed during times of pandemic, which—though necessary for the greater good—can have...