Dealing with emotions and academic publishing
I'm entering my last year of PhD now. It is scary. I've shared this feeling with my friends who are in the same situation and I've learned from some of them that they also feel like this, which is a bit of consolation. But despite the butterflies in our stomachs, we have to keep on putting words down on the page, and putting them out there for people to read. That is the hardest part, of course. That part where people actually read what we write. Once they read, they can think whatever they want about it and there is nothing we can do. We have no control anymore. And that is friggin' scary! I've been worrying about publishing lately. I say worrying because that is often my modus operandi regarding academic stuff. I don't always plan , I don't always wonder , I don't always think about it. I worry about it. It is deeply emotional. And my favorite way to sooth this worry is reading (which is also, as we all know, a wonderful procrastination technique...