
Mostrando postagens de dezembro, 2008

Gail Issenman on Tracking Changes

December 27th was Tracking Change's lucky day. The first time we received an established artist as a guest deserves celebration - we had an interview with Gail Issenman, singer, producer, composer, teacher and mother. Gail's career in music has been as complete as it can get, ranging from singing classical pieces in religious settings, to 2 children's CDs, passing by pop/jazz recordings and the founding of her own label, Greendoor Music . Give it a listen at (click on the calendar, and then on Saturday at 10am) and don't miss our next show next Saturday :-)

Tracking Changes

For those of you who don't know, I have a radio show every second Saturday of the month at Radio Centre-Ville (CINQ FM 102.3 or 88.3 on cable). Last Saturday our guests were the guys from Barton Fink Band. Emerging from all kinds of musical backgrounds Barton Fink's sound was glued together because of a big love for sweet beats and soulful melodies. After hooking up with producer and beatmaker Cristo, the band's sound was finally captured and will be thrown at the world in 2009! If you want to listen to the show, you still can. Go to , click on the calendar and go to Saturday 10am. It's there for one week after the show is broadcast.

Bush Dodges Shoes

ACTION ALERT: Yes, I support a coalition government

I received the text below from my friend Camila who, like me, cannot vote in Canada yet (we have recently immigrated and are only eligible to become citizens after three years living here). The political decisions of the Canadian government do affect us, though, so I'd like to join my voice to my friend's and urge you to show your support for the coalition government - out with this conservative crap! On October 14, the Conservatives won a minority of seats in the House of Commons. As a result, in our parliamentary system, Stephen Harper needs the confidence of the House to govern. By failing to provide leadership and a plan to address the current economic crisis and choosing instead to pick fights with the opposition parties, Mr. Harper has lost the confidence of the House. On Friday, Mr. Harper said that Canadians should speak out on the possibility of a Liberal-NDP coalition government replacing his Conservative government. These are some suggested messages ...

Me too!

The big news is that you'll be able to listen to my new pilot radio show every second Saturday starting December 6th at 10am. "Tracking Changes" (Radio Centre-Ville: 102.3 FM or 88.3 on cable) will present Montreal local music artists in a informal setting, where you'll be able to listen to their music and know more about their projects. For the pilot run, I'll be on the air every second week, for the month of December. I need your support, please listen to the show and call the radio station to say how much you loved it (hopefully you will). The more people call, the more chances I have to continue in the air for longer. IMPORTANT: you can also listen to the show on the internet at . And if you miss it at 10am, no problem, the show stays online for a whole week after the broadcast. Just click on the right time on the schedule . Enjoy! More news: my friend Thiago is going to sing this coming Saturday, December 6th at Église St. François S...